
A typical step in climate analysis is to interpolate a given grid onto another grid. ClimateTools provides such a tool by wrapping Scipy griddata function. It is intended for visualization or as a 1st step before bias-correcting the ClimGrid dataset.

griddata function will interpolate the data contained in ClimGrid A into the coordinates of ClimGrid B and returns a new ClimGrid C which contains the interpolated data of A into the grid of B.

C = griddata(A::ClimGrid, B::ClimGrid)

It is also possible to interpolate a ClimGrid onto specified longitude and latitude vectors and arrays.

C = griddata(A::ClimGrid, lon::AbstractArray{N, T} where N where T, lat::AbstractArray{N, T} where N where T; dimx=[], dimy=[], method::String="linear", min=[], max=[])

In the case a longitude and latitude 2D array is provided, the user needs to provide the dimension vectors for x and y.


DEPRECATED. Users will have to define their own regridding functions using GeoStats.

ClimateTools also provide a way to uses GeoStats geostatistics methods. See function regrid for some details.

using GeoStats
using ClimateTools

target = :pr # e.g. precipitation
n = 30 # max number of neighboring points
solver = Kriging(target => (maxneighbors=n,))

C = regrid(A::ClimGrid, B::ClimGrid, solver=solver)